If you’re still out there
I hope it worked for you
just wanted to let you know
I forgive you for leaving
You wouldn’t want me to tell you about her
I already know what you would say
but just between me and you, y’know
it was all a bit of Monroe & Bardot
Umbrellas in the shadows of the Moon
starving but we have Dylan for breakfast
wondering if you’re really part of the show
it’s a wonder we didn’t catch fire ourselves
Our skins rattled off like another sunrise
re-charging your blind eye
your dreams got indignant
the wolves are panting at your pant-leg
We see our reflection in the stone
I’ll be on the Left Bank
only he, she, and God knows
and two of them are Dead
Christian Garduno’s work can be read in over 100 literary magazines. He is the recipient of the 2019 national Willie Morris Award for Southern Poetry, a Finalist in the 2020-2021 Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Writing Contest, and a Finalist in the 2021 Julia Darling Memorial Poetry Prize. He lives and writes along the South Texas coast with his wonderful wife Nahemie and young son Dylan.